Over 300 people attended our events in March and in total over 700 comments have been made to share thoughts on Baldock now and priorities for its future growth.

Our interactive map shows you the areas and topics where we received the most comments. These comments are being taken into consideration as we develop the draft masterplan which we will share at the events in the autumn.

Tap the map markers or scroll to learn more about the consultation feedback.

Red line indicates the boundary of land allocated for development.


Ivel Springs

Over 50 people made comments about their concerns regarding local water supply and extraction issues from the River Ivel.
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Green Space

Comments include concerns about loss of green space and the areas residents feel most strongly should be protected, as well as requests for a green circular route like the ones found in other towns locally.
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Royston Road

The need for good quality architecture and design to integrate new homes visually with existing properties.
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Bygrave Road

An ecologically valuable area which has the potential for increased sustainable active travel priority.
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Raised land

This area is of ecological interest and is also valued as an open space by residents.
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Development edges

The new development should respect and complement existing properties on the edge of Baldock.
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Clothall Common

Some responses supported the existing single point of entry here whilst others wanted to see more access points. Support for better connections to be made with green routes and recreational spaces.
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Walls Field

Desire to retain this area as an open space, increase access and bring the heritage of the area to life.
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Medical Centre

Existing facilities are already at capacity. Need for increased healthcare provision with new homes and residents.
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Town Centre

High Street is well loved but is felt to need improvements such as better cycle provision and more support for local retailers.
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Knights Templar School

A valued community asset. New development should plan for increased secondary school provision.
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Whitehorse Street junction

A source of significant congestion issues and currently a poor environment for pedestrians and cyclists.
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Railway Station

In need of improvements including platform extensions, lift installation and improved access from the north.
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Railway bridge

Road is currently narrow and dangerous. Future designs should prioritise pedestrians and cyclists.

Thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts.

If you would like to make any additional comments or contact us in the meantime, please do so via Baldock@urbanandcivic.com
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