The Baldock Conversation

The Baldock Conversation at event

We want to make sure that everyone plays a role in shaping the town’s future growth. Understanding people’s views and the knowledge of existing residents is a key part of this. We call this approach ‘The Baldock Conversation’. There will be many opportunities throughout the planning process where residents can meet the team and share their views. This will include public events and smaller focused discussions with individual groups and charities, schools, and healthcare providers.

Many of our smaller follow up sessions are inspired by points raised at larger events, allowing us to get into the detail and really understand any issues, concerns or opportunities. We believe that this approach will make sure that Baldock grows in the right way for both existing and new residents.

sign on the pavement

Early conversations

Our first objective was to understand how Baldock currently works for its residents. To gain the best understanding of the site and the local area, we reviewed background information and consulted local experts and stakeholders on key topics such as heritage and archaeology, community, drainage, ecology, green infrastructure, transport, design, landscape, and utilities.

March 2023 – An introduction to Growing Baldock

At our first consultation events in March 2023, we provided an overview of the site’s background, including its allocation within local policy, the master developer approach, and Urban&Civic’s role in the project.

During these events, we met over 400 residents who shared their thoughts on key themes surrounding building a community. Residents contributed more than 700 comments, both at the events and through our online consultation.

See the information we shared in March 2023

March Consultation

Shaping the plans

The feedback was taken forward in a number of ways, and shaped the plans we shared in November. Explore the “You said we did” section to find out more.

November 2023 – Sharing our progress

Our events in November allowed us to share how feedback received from residents in March had shaped the draft strategic masterplan.

Sharing our plans on topics including traffic, schools and open spaces allowed comments and thoughts to move into the detail of the scheme. Residents could ask specific queries based on their knowledge and particular areas of interest. Over 350 residents attended these events leaving over 300 comments.

See the information we shared in November 2023

November Consultation

Shaping the plans - November

Explore the consultation comments and responses in the November “You said we did” section to find out more.

In summary

See a summary of the key topics that received feedback at the events

March Event Summary

These events acted as an introduction to the plans for Growing Baldock. They covered the background of the site, including its allocation and local policy, Urban&Civic's master developer approach and role within the project.

March event summary

November Event Summary

As the project has progressed and plans have become more detailed, the majority of comments and questions we have had from residents, have moved from general thoughts to specific queries.

November event summary

Ongoing discussions and meetings

To complement these consultation events we also organise and attend events and meetings with a number of local groups to help to inform the plans. These have included:

  • Creation and co-ordination of the Growing Baldock community Forum which brings together representatives of the Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan Group, Revivel, Baldock Beats Waste, local parish, district and councillors for updates and themed discussions and workshops on the key topics, transport, education and green spaces. We're currently reviewing the membership and role of this group
  • Holding an information and Q&A session of the residents of the Football Close area to better understand their thoughts and concerns on the proposals to change vehicular access to these roads
  • Meetings and visits with local schools, including the Headteachers of The Knights Templar School, Hartsfield JMI School, St John’s Catholic Primary School, St Mary's Infants School and Weston Way Nursey
  • Meetings with Parish Councils and residents of Radwell, Ashwell and Bygrave

  • Drop in session for Ashwell residents; sharing the plans for Growing Baldock with the community there and also an opportunity to better understand the interconnections with Baldock for facilities and amenities and to inform some of the thinking about transport planning. Strong turnout of over 100 people across the four hour session
  • Holding three Q&A sessions for the site’s direct neighbours (including Salisbury Road, Bygrave Road, Royston Road, Hillside Park). Over 70 attendees came and shared their views
  • Taking a stall at the Baldock Ecofest in May 2023 and September 2024, meeting residents and answering questions
  • Meetings with local and National stakeholders, including Revivel, BALGA, Friends of Baldock Green Spaces, local equestrians and access groups
  • Baldock Area Forum – Urban&Civic regular attendance to provide project overview and updates
  • Meetings and site visits with local Councillors and Officers

If you are a local group we haven’t spoken to yet, please contact us to arrange a meeting via