Development background

Baldock needs to grow sustainably to provide homes and jobs for current and future generations. This is reflected in the North Hertfordshire Local Plan. The Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan sets out strong expectations for how that growth should happen, and incorporates core principles on the way Baldock should grow well and sustainably.

Master Developer Urban&Civic is leading a core part of the plans to deliver this growth, on land owned by Hertfordshire County Council to the north and east of Baldock; and wants to engage local communities and partners to ensure it delivers what this historic market town needs.

The proposed extension to the east and north of Baldock is key to ensuring that growth is sustainable and works with the existing town.

Baldock from the air

Aerial photograph of the land at Baldock looking north east (site highlighted)

The site was allocated for development in the North Hertfordshire Local Plan in 2022, and we are now preparing a Strategic Masterplan. This sets out how the development would look, feel and work, before taking it forward through a planning application.

It will deliver:

New parkland, green spaces and play areas

Up to 3,300 much-needed new homes in a wide range of sizes and tenures


Shops and community facilities


Public transport and active travel connections, alongside investment in local road infrastructure


Around 600,000sq ft of new employment space


New secondary school, two primary schools and a special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) school

Development Partnership

The development is being led by Master Developer Urban&Civic, who are working with Hertfordshire County Council, the landowners.

Who is Urban&Civic?

We are the master developer appointed by Hertfordshire County Council, as development partner to take forward the design and delivery of this new growth of Baldock. We are experienced in designing sustainable new neighbourhoods supported by high-quality transport and community infrastructure, from the earliest stages of the development to the final roof tile being laid.

Who is Hertfordshire County Council (HCC)? 

Hertfordshire County Council own the land at Baldock. They also have responsibility for a range of services including highways, education and adult care on behalf of Hertfordshire residents. Appointing Urban&Civic enables Hertfordshire County Council to drive their aspiration for an exemplar development.

The 'Master Developer' approach

The Urban&Civic approach is about more than just building homes: it looks at all the things a place needs to work sustainably, and ensures they are delivered ahead of and alongside new homes. While the number of homes in this development is significant, it can only come forward with the schools, health provision, play and green space people need: Play areas will be close to homes, schools a short bike, scoot or walk away, and critically they are all designed and delivered together to create a sustainable community.

This development is a fundamental part of Baldock’s future, and Urban&Civic are committed to working with the town, its residents and all local partners throughout the lifecycle of the development. Our Communities team will continue to work with the existing and future new residents to keep the discussions going and ensure we grow Baldock together.

U&C development
community space